Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Some Poetry of Mine from "waves whisper the shoreline to life"

i beg your pardon

i am told to confess my sins

to the male chosen ones
who have been given the power
by the other male chosen
to absolve me

i look at my sins with great curiosity


she will never find a husband
my mum would say
to my (male) friends

and i’d wonder
do i give an impression
that i’m looking

piece of evidence

a much told story
    the male god creates a man first
    then a woman
    from the man’s rib

a well-documented fact
    every man
    since the beginning
    has always come out of a womb

n-dimensional breathing

your footsteps
in my cells

the intimately known mystery

my baby is out of my womb
out of my body

quiet for a moment
then crying
i stroke my son’s cheek   featherily
hello my precious   i greet him
    the words he has heard many times before
he stops crying  
opens his deep black eyes
finds me

we look at each other
i know him too
i know his face
    even though this is the first time i see it

terror triptych

we watch you rape her
we watch you dismember her body
we watch

every night

girls for sale
girls for the taking

the use of organised intimidation

staying alive

she wakes
her eyes cannot find me

she screams   
      scratches her arms
looks for sharp objects
      scratches her body
      till it bleeds

falls    asleep

looks for drugs

     scratches  bleeds  cries

     scratches  bleeds  cries
i wait   

              she wakes     aware 


her hair    a lion’s mane
her face    neither old nor young
her smile    knowing
her eyes    through-seeing

she senses a tiny movement hiding close by
she notices her    sees herself in her
universally united
under the sky of quiet constellations


in silence
you tell me your story
i see the scars
looking into your young eyes
i notice
there is beauty but no youth in them

the bloodstained images
you’ve brought to life
stay with us

we fall asleep regardless
your screaming wakes me up

i run my fingers through your hair
kiss your eyes open
hold you
your body relaxes
you apologise
i shake my head slightly
                           as if it’s nothing

waves whisper the shoreline
                             to life



she is unaware of his presence
much older than him    but he cannot tell her age
there is something timeless about her
old trees look like that
one knows  they have been around for a while
yet they have the incredible life force within them
the thoughtless cut them down
but others let them be
even desire their life giving comforting presence
her hair is mostly dark brown
with the shimmer of silvery threads
long  curly  messy

life matters

“I am trying for the life of me to figure out how to communicate what I have seen and heard in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. How do I convey these stories of atrocities without your shutting down, quickly turning the page or feeling too disturbed?
How do I tell you of girls as young as nine raped by gangs of soldiers, of women whose insides were blown apart by rifle blasts and whose bodies now leak uncontrollable streams of urine and faeces?
Nadine closes her eyes and says something I cannot believe I’m hearing. “One of the soldiers cut open a pregnant woman. It was a mature baby and they killed it. They cooked it and forced us to eat it.”
Alfonsine  tells me she was walking through the forest when she encountered a lone soldier. “He pressed his rifle on the outside of my vagina and shot his entire cartridge into me. I just heard the voice of bullets. My clothes were glued to me with blood. I passed out.
The perpetrators include the Interahamwe, the Hutu fighters who fled neighboring Rwanda in 1994 after committing genocide there; the Congolese army; a loose assortment of armed civilians; even U.N. peacekeepers.
Before I went to the Congo, I’d spent the past 10 years working on V-Day, the global movement to end violence against women and girls. I’d travelled to the rape mines of the world--places like Bosnia, Afghanistan and Haiti, where rape has been used as a tool of war. But nothing I ever experienced felt as ghastly, terrifying and complete as the sexual torture and attempted destruction of the female species here. The violence is a threat to all; young girls and village elders alike are at risk. It is not too strong to call this a femicide, to say that the future of the Congo’s women is in serious jeopardy.”
(Eve Ensler, 1 August 2007)

the end
on the other side of suffering
the last female


accused of adultary
       a gang raped woman
stoned to death


as the world collapses
i walk through it

as the bomb goes off
i read a poem

                       the policy of yes

                        in crimson suffering

                        i go to work
i am solid


i come in quietly
the house breathes to its own rhythm
hello granny dearest   i say softly
she does not recognise me
but i know what to do
…i laugh
oh agnieszka    she smiles
and dozes off in her armchair


you come in a dream
    a different language

my heart moulds itself
    into the shape of survival 

© Agnieszka Niemira

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